compression connector

How Engineered Mechanical Shunts Are Superior For Overhead Connector Repairs

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you believed one thing to be true and then found out years later that it wasn't? For many years, experienced lineman and engineers believed that cutting out a splice on an overhead line and replacing it…

How To Properly Repair Damaged Conductor Caused By Spacer Dampers

Spacer dampers, designed to provide proper damping of wind-induced vibrations for bundled conductor lines, have been around for more than 50 years and like most hardware exposed to the elements, needs to be replaced at some point in time. Most often,…

Reducing Wire-Down Incidents

It's a fact, the frequency of downed power lines has been increasing, especially within the last few years as much of the equipment in many power grids enters the half century and older point. According to federal data, the U.S. electric grid loses power…

The Best Method For Repairing Overhead Connectors

This video shows a typical scenario using infrared inspection of an overhead transmission line to identify a hot splice and then the proper correction of that hot splice using a ClampStar engineered mechanical shunt. ClampStar, along with proactive…

How To Find And Fix Failing Overhead Splices

PPL Utilities shows a shunt splice applied to an overhead line via helicopter, to repair a failing splice. Increasing power flows on some of the oldest lower-voltage circuits, especially during emergencies has put significant pressure on a power grid…

Can ClampStar® installations be budgeted as a Capital Expenditure?

Yes, because ClampStar® significantly reduces whole-span wire replacement cost and is the industry’s only PERMANENT life extension solution for virtually all overhead conductors of any voltage class, and ClampStar corrects, preserves, and maintains the…

ClampStar® is proud to be part of the Weather Channel's new show titled "Top 10 Extreme Jobs"

It's no surprise that Helicopter Lineman made the list! The show is currently scheduled to air on Thursday, Oct 27 at 12am EST. Just set your DVR! Click here to watch a preview

Classic Connectors USA introduces the new ClampStar® Repair Unit

The new ClampStar® Repair Unit quickly and easily corrects damaged conductor, great for gunshot or other types of damage on conductors sized from 2/0 – 2515 kcmil. After brushing the conductor, ClampStar is placed over the damaged area and is installed…

ESMO 2016 - The Demo You May Have Missed

If you attended the ESMO show in Columbus, Ohio 2 weeks ago then you may have seen a Haverfield aerial line crew performing some fantastic demonstrations. Click the image below to see a short video of a couple of their demonstrations.

Here's What To Do After Finding Hot Connectors

As the grid continues to age, many utilities are increasing connector inspection frequency with a main goal of preventing outages and wire down incidents. One simple and relatively inexpensive line inspection method utilizes Infrared (IR) technology. The…