compression connector
Important Facts You Need To Know About Surge Arrester Currents
Surge Arrester Currents By Waymon P. Goch Discharge current is the surge current that flows through a surge arrester during discharge of an overvoltage surge (and discharge voltage is the voltage that appears across the terminals of an arrester during…
Problem Connectors on Multiple Sub-Conductors
By Carl R. Tamm If you have a line with two or more sub-conductors per phase, and during an infrared inspection, a scenario is found where one of the sub-conductors has a fitting that is hotter than the one next to it, the natural tendency is to assume…
Surge Arrester Lead Length Revisited
By Waymon P. Goch Surge arrester manufacturers always recommend that line and ground leads be as short and straight as possible in all surge arrester applications. Why? The primary reason is inductive surge impedance. The selection of the best surge…
Avoiding Splice Failures
By Lisa Nelson, EDM International, Inc. One of the primary root causes for splicing failures is poor cleaning of aluminum strands prior to compression. The Electric Power Research Institute has developed technology that enables line crews to properly…
Corrosion and Splices
By Waymon P. Goch Worldwide, the annual cost of corrosion is $2.2 trillion (US); and is currently estimated to be $429 billion (US) annually in the United States.(1) Corrosion that results in failure of aircraft, pipelines, bridges and other critical…
Inner Workings of an Automatic Splice and Using ClampStar as a Safety Tool
By, Carl R. Tamm ClampStar is used as a tool by several utilities as a “safety” when performing line work on a conductor that contains an automatic splice in the span. As a work method precaution, many utilities require the crew to install a “safety”…
Joe Renowden, Consulting Engineer (Article provided by SensorLink) Why would that question be important when industry wide there have been relatively few failures? The answer is: The risk of failure can’t be managed until the splice’s condition is…
Do You Change the Tires on the Family Auto?
By, Carl Tamm Most of us gray haired guys well remember the advent of radial belted tires! There was significant skepticism initially, as some of the early models wound up with bulging “pump knots” on the sidewalls, but eventually the problems were…
Fault Current versus Distance
Background: A major utility noted that they were having far more splice failures on their 34.5 kV distribution lines within a few miles of the substation than they were toward the end of their circuits. The primary reason is the available system fault…
Alabama Power Repairs Hot Splice In 8 Minutes and 23 seconds!
Following annual line surveys at Alabama Power, with the discovery of some hot (aged) splices found with IR Thermography, a decision was made to utilize the advantage of a helicopter to quickly and efficiently install ClampStar units over the hot splices…